
The Rico's Reach fundraising campaign is focused on educating students in the U.S. about landmine awareness. Through Rico's Reach, MLI's K9 Ambassador Rico is working to reach as many students across the country as possible and raise the proceeds to sponsor a mine detection dog named "CHAMP."
Rico worked for six years as a landmine detection dog in Bosnia-Herzegovina, "sniffing out" landmines and helping to restore safe land back to the people of Bosnia-Herzegovina before retiring and moving to the U.S. to start his new job as MLI's K9 Ambassador in 2022. Led by our Educational Programs Director, Anne Wooleyhand, Rico routinely visits schools, giving presentations on landmine safety and the important work of mine detection dogs!
Through educational engagement, Rico collaborates with schools through the Children Against Mines Program (CHAMPS) to raise money for mine detection dogs and medical support for landmine survivors. In honor of the 20th Anniversary of the CHAMPS Program, the Rico's Reach Campaign is working to raise $25,000 to sponsor a mine detection dog named for the program - MDD CHAMP.

MLI’s K9 Ambassador Rico has engaged over 7,000 people (including 4,000 school children), raising awareness of the humanitarian impact of landmines and demonstrating the heroic work of mine detection dogs. Rico's presentations focus on the history and geography of landmines, how puppies become life-saving heroes, the humanitarian impact of landmines, survivors, and the countries impacted by landmines. All presentations are created to be age-appropriate and engaging for the audience. Educational Programs Director, Anne Wooleyhand and Rico have provided presentations to 34 schools, scout groups, American Legion, Rotary, and Senior Center organizations in 9 different states. Rico has also participated in demining caucuses on Capitol Hill and met with ambassadors from Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Cambodia.
Through Rico’s Reach Campaign, Anne and Rico hope to visit new states and reach more people through their presentations during 2024. If you are interested in scheduling a virtual or in-person presentation, please contact Anne Wooleyhand at anne@marshall-legacy.org.
A typical presentation/demonstration is generally 45-60 minutes and includes the following:
Introduction to The Marshall Legacy Institute
Geography and basic information about landmine issue (ALWAYS stating that there is no danger in the United States).
Depending on age group focus on one or more of the following topics: Puppy to Mine Detection Hero, Mine Survivors, Country Focus, or History of Landmines.
Demonstration of Rico sniffing out training device to show how heroic dogs work
Question and Answer time
Time to interact with Rico
You can follow the adventures of Rico’s life as K9 Ambassador on Facebook and Instagram.
If you are interested in having MDD Rico visit your school so you can learn more about CHAMPS and our landmine removal programs,
send us a message or call 703-243-9200.