CHAMPS New Hampshire
The Granite Campaign
Bianca Streep first read about CHAMPS in the KIND Newsletter. She was very excited and brought the idea to her teacher and principal at school. The CHAMPS Students at the D.J. Bakie Elementary School in Kingston, New Hampshire sponsored their own lifesaving dog Granite by running a CHAMPS Campaign in 2005. MDD Granite received his training and is sniffing out landmines in Bosnia. Thanks to Bianca and the students at D.J. Bakie, CHAMPS New Hampshire has accomplished a great deal educating kids in their school district and throughout southern New Hampshire about the landmine crisis.
After sponsoring MDD Granite, the students at D.J. Bakie Elementary wanted to do more to help, so they held more fundraising events to sponsor a young landmine survivor there in Bosnia. They were able to help a young boy receive new legs to run, jump, and play! Through the CHAMPS International Program, these young American students were also able to participate in video conference calls with Bosnian students in Sarajevo.
“This program has made the world much smaller for our students, parents and general community. We are lifers, dedicated to CHAMPS and MLI!”