October 2018
A team from Bittersweet Monthly, an online magazine, traveled to Bosnia in May, 2018 with MLI's VP of Operations, Elise Becker, to witness our work on the ground. The team, including Bittersweet Director Kate Schmidgall, traveled through Olovo, Sarajevo, Konjic and Busovaca to interview and film Mine Detection Dog teams, CHAMPS teachers and students, landmine survivors, and staff from MLI's partners at the Mine Detection Dog Center in Bosnia Herzegovina. The compelling article and accompanying photos tell a profound story of communities striving to live life to the fullest in areas that remain highly contaminated by landmines, more than 20 years after the war in the region ended. MLI is incredibly grateful to Bittersweet for showcasing how our programs help men, women, and children live free from the fear of mines. Read the full Bittersweet article here.