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In Memoriam: General Jack N. Merritt

MLI Staff

Updated: Aug 7, 2020

February 2018

MLI is deeply saddened by the passing of General Jack N. Merritt, US Army (Ret.). General Merritt served as the Chairman of the Marshall Legacy Institute from the founding of the organization in 1997 until 2003, and served as Chairman of MLI’s International Advisory Board until his passing in 2018.

Please read General Merritt’s obituary on The Washington Post and on The Oklahoman.

MLI thanks General Merritt’s family for dedicating memorial contributions to our humanitarian cause of freeing the world of the horrific scourge of landmines. All donations will be used to sponsor a highly trained mine detection dog to be named by the family to “sniff out” mines, save lives and improve livelihoods in memory of Jack Merritt, whose life’s work was dedicated to peace & security, and making the world a better and safer place for all.


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